Enrich Your Life with the Art & Ritual of Tea

Beyond culture or agriculture, throughout time and across the globe, TEA NOURISHES & HEALS US.

Since ancient times, tea has been revered as A GODDESS, A DIVINE GIFT with the power to also guide and connect us.

For this reason, tea has become an ENRICHING RITUAL, a MEDITATION AID and a SACRED CEREMONY.

SHARING TEA is a way to BRING MORE MEANING TO YOUR LIFE and to the lives of those you love.

Join Tea Huntress on a journey to greater WELLNESS & deeper CONNECTION through the art and ritual of TEA.

Through this course, you will master tea.

AS A DAILY WELLNESS PRACTICE to nourish and heal your body, mind and spirit.

AS A QUIET MEDITATION helping you access awareness and peace.

AS A TRANSFORMATIVE CEREMONY to find clarity, truth and connection.

The Art & Ritual of Tea Online Certification Course guides you on a 3 month personal journey during which you will learn to prepare any style of tea for health, healing and connection.

Along the way, you will come to know yourself on a deeper level and through this holistic process of self-discovery, you will be able to share tea in your own personal style, with authenticity and impact.

A TEA PRACTICE is an enriching way to not only to add more meaning to your personal life and relationships but also to enhance your career and to add value to your teams, classes and organizations.

Upon completion, you will receive the Art & Ritual of Tea Certificate of Completion as well as ongoing support through our optional community and app, The Circle.

From Overwhelm to Empowerment:
The Transformative Experience of Tea

Life can be hot, fast and loud and we all deserve a little stillness – a quiet pause, a moment of beauty, a deep breath, a cup of tea. These moments help us wake up, reconnect and remember who we are and why we are here. In these moments, we find inspiration and remember the magic of life! 

This course will help you weave these moments into your daily life and to cultivate your life with intention and awareness, through the aspects and elements of tea.

WINTER COHORT: December 21st- March 21st

Price: $1285
Early Bird Special: $1085
until October 31st

Pay $395.00/month for 3 months.

  • Weekly Live Online Meetings

    Over the 3 months of the course, we will meet live online for one hour to introduce the week’s content and answer questions. These meetings will be recorded and available to all participants.

  • Four Monthly Modules

    • The Art & Ritual of Tea is taught across 4 modules, each spanning 3 weeks. 
    • Each 3 week module is guided by the energy and wisdom of one of tea’s four alchemical elements.
    • We begin with Earth, move through Water, change with Wind and transform through Fire.
  • Module 1: EARTH

    Earth, in which you will travel from China, the birthplace of tea, to Japan, Tibet, Morocco, along the trading routes and into Turkey, Russia, Great Britain, the New World to understand the journey of tea and her essence and evolution across time and culture. 

    Aside from the history and origins of tea, you will also learn the types of tea and the physical, mental and energetic benefits and chemical compounds of tea. We will introduce other healing plants of the world that we steep like tea, and you will learn how to create blends that heal and nourish.

  • Module 2: WATER

    Water, in which you will understand the importance of water and the evolution of teaware. Here, you will learn how to steep, whisk and boil any style of tea and to truly understand the alchemy of earth, wind, water and fire and its impact on a cup of tea in the preparation process. This module also covers the history, meaning and preparation techniques of Matcha, Masala Chai, Milk Teas and Botanical Libations and provides you recipes for each as well as those for alternative milks and natural sweeteners.

  • Module 3: WIND

    Wind, in which you learn how to create ceremony and ritual. Here, you will learn Bowl Tea Ceremony, Moroccan Tea Ceremony and Gongfu Ceremony as well as how to set sacred space and how to create more harmony, meaning and connection by crafting your own tea rituals and experiences for life’s rites of passage. In this module, you will explore your own purpose (your dharma, your ikigai) and discover your most authentic self so that you can share tea with authenticity and impact.

  • Module 4: FIRE

    Fire, in which you become the master. This module offers hands- on practice, tea experiments, ritual, recipe and ceremony creation and a final project designed to deepen your own understanding of tea. This is an opportunity to share tea within your communities and to create a foundation for ongoing offerings from there.

JOIN THE WINTER COHORT: December 21st, 2024 - March 21st, 2025

Price: $1285
Early Bird Special: $1085
until October 31st


“By attending Sarah’s course, I am now able to create beautiful tea rituals at home or on my travels. Thank you Sarah for sharing your knowledge that I now incorporate into my self-care journey!”


 “I highly recommend any of Sarah's classes, they are full of insights and wisdom that capture the soul essence of tea.”


“You won’t find a better teacher than Sarah”


“In this day and age of hustle and overstimulation, our bodies struggle with simplicity and stillness. Sarah’s tea rituals are a way to slow down, connect to the earth, the ancient wisdom of tea, and be present with yourself”


“Sarah is a shockwave that is waking us up, calling us home, and moving women forward in our evolution. It's a reclamation of the strength of our softness”


“You couldn't have a better teacher than Sarah. She brings such a grounded presence to the class.”


“I’m so grateful to be in the presence of anything that Sarah puts her heart into. The whole course felt like an invitation to come home to myself”


"Sarah weaves magic into every workshop and activity and promotes a sense of connectedness among guests that is truly special.”


“I am so thankful for Sarah's passion to share her gift of tea and connection with us.”


“Sarah creates such a lovely space, cultivates a unique energy to hold what one can choose to keep, and expel what one chooses to let go...and it is a true honor to be in her presence. She truly has a gift.”


“I loved Sarah's Rituals class. I learned about the sacredness of tea, the power of rituals, how to do them, and how to bring this element into my life”


“I learned so much from Sarah not just in the didactics of the technique but rather of the spirit that she brings. She is a true gem in the world and we need more like her”


You Will Receive

-Weekly meetings: We will meet live online each week for one hour to introduce the week’s content and to answer questions. All calls will be recorded and available to all participants.

-Coursework: Weekly class documents, worksheets and weekly call videos will be available online for self-directed learning.

On average, each week consists of 4-5 hours of learning.

-Rituals & Recipes: You will receive the following rituals in alignment with the element of each module to support you on your journey: 

  1. Chakra- based yoga class
  2. Meditation 
  3. Journal prompts 
  4. Tea suggestions 
  5. Other wellness rituals
  6. Elemental overview 
  7. Seasonal recipes

-Certificate of Completion Once all coursework is completed, you will receive a signed copy of Art & Ritual of Tea Course certificate of completion with your name on it.

Your Guide


My name is Sarah Scarborough. I have spent the past 30 years as a student of Tea and herbalism, a practitioner of Yoga and an entrepreneur seeking to bring balance, connection and sustainability into business. I have explored the power of daily practice and made a living sourcing clean and vibrant teas. I have seen traditional cultures around the world and how they share tea to cultivate peace, wisdom and connection; how sacred movement and meditation enable us to drop into awareness of the magic of life. 

This is what I want to share with you... a pathway into the sweet and simple magic of life! 

Join me!

My Journey

My first memories are of extracting essences from the wildflowers in my backyard when I was a child, foraging healing plants from the Finnish forests with my maternal grandmother and studying heirloom seed catalogs in high-school. I have always been enchanted by the Plant Kingdom and had a gift for creating simple, beautiful and delicious things from Nature.

At University and throughout my twenties, I worked in sustainable agriculture and herbalism in Connecticut, California, Montana, Tennessee and  Alaska. During a spell working at a beautiful little Tibetan teahouse in Bozeman, Montana, in 2000, tea found me.

Something inside of me turned on and I though I didn’t know where tea would lead me, I had no choice but to follow. My love of agriculture, sustainability and wellness, came together and it made me come alive! My dream then was the same as it is today… to create a positive impact in the world through tea.

Since then, I have traveled the world of tea, worked as a tea buyer, taster, educator and formulator for businesses and brands across the globe including: The Republic of Tea, Google, Scarborough Fair Foods, Thistle Farms, Civana Resort, Firepot Teas, Eyland Spirits among others. I have started many of my own tea companies from Australia and New Zealand to Alaska, Montana and Tennessee.

All the while, I have been an avid practitioner and teacher of herbalism, yoga and reiki and have woven wellness into my daily life.

If you ever feel…

  • Caught in the busy trap
  • Hustle culture
  • Burn out
  • Wanting more 
  • Grab & go
  • Too much coffee, too much wine
  • Disconnected or alone
  • Inflammation
  • Toxicity
  • ADHD

The Art and Ritual of Tea can help you…

  • Slow down and create moments of beauty and peace
  • Detoxify your body
  • Awaken your spirit
  • Cultivate calm, alert focus
  • Discover your most wise, centered and powerful self
  • Find clarity and solutions to problems
  • Create healthy practices 
  • Open your heart to improve your relationships 
  • Open the door to more magic

"Sarah weaves magic into every workshop and activity and promotes a sense of connectedness among guests that is truly special.”


This course…

This course represents over 30 years of traveling the world of tea, diving deep into her ancestry, lineage, medicine and spirit– and trusting tea to lead me, to nourish me, to protect me and to guide me. 

Ultimately, of course, tea has taught me how to lead, nourish, protect and guide myself...

This course also represents over 30 years of acquired knowledge of the practices of herbalism, organic farming and cooking as well as personal evolution, yoga and energy work. There is so much love woven into these teachings.

Here, I share my favorite and most well-loved healthy recipes, monthly rituals, meditations, yoga classes, and journal prompts, all aligned with the elements.

There is a lifetime of tea knowledge here as well. It is all woven together to bring more peace, meaning and joy in your life.

Tea is my dharma, my purpose and my light to shine. It is my greatest honor and pleasure to share the magic and medicine of tea with you. Thank you for being here and for joining me on this journey.

With love, 

Will you join me?

Price: $1285
Early Bird Special: $1085
until October 31st

Pay $395.00/month for 3 months.

“Sarah creates such a lovely space, cultivates a unique energy to hold what one can choose to keep, and expel what one chooses to let go...and it is a true honor to be in her presence. She truly has a gift.”


How It Works

  1. Flexibility to suit your life. All recordings, worksheets and documents as well as our weekly live call will be available on the course page so that you can learn at your own pace.
  2. Time commitment: 4 months with 4-5 hours of study per week, on average
  3. Amplify your career: Mastering the art and ritual of tea adds a layer of connection to your teams, classes and other communities.
  4. Cost: $1285
  5. Payment plan: Pay all at once or over 3 monthly installments.
Join Now

Key Takeaways

  1. Learn how to prepare a meaningful cup of tea that fosters connection
  2. Understand the history and evolution of tea as plant medicine, spirit tonic & an entheogen
  3. Learn which compounds in tea benefit the body, mind and spirit
  4. Confidently steep, boil or whisk any style of tea without the need for metrics and measuring tools. Learn to intuit water temperature, steeping times, amounts of teas with ease and flow.
  5. Follow Tea’s journey from ancient China and Japan to Tibet, Morocco, Turkey, the British Empire, the New World and beyond to understand why tea is Earth’s most loved beverage. 
  6. Understand the 5 main types of tea and how to confidently and intuitively steep, boil or whisk them with ease
  7. Understand the properties of the healing plants of the world and how they can be used to support your health and wellness.
  8. Learn how to make Matcha, Masala Chai, Botanical Libations, Milk Teas and how to share Afternoon Tea in the English tradition.
  9. Learn how to create ceremony and ritual to bring more meaning to life’s rites of passage
  10. Find your dharma, your purpose, so you can share tea with impact and authenticity
  11. Learn 3 tea ceremonies and practice tea as your own authentic offering; Learn how to share Tea Ceremony to connect your communities and enhance your career
  12. Receive wellness-supporting recipes, yoga practices, meditations, journal prompts and other seasonal rituals.
  13. Learn about tea by drinking the world’s cleanest and most vibrant varieties (Optional Art & Ritual of Tea sample box will be made available to all participants on December 1st)
Join Now

Who Should Enroll

  • Anyone interested in tea as a medicine, a meditation, a ritual or a healthy beverage
  • Healthcare practitioners and alternative medicine practitioners
  • Professional team leaders, managers, directors and coaches
  • Naturopathic and holistic health educators and practitioners
  • Anyone interested in personal growth and enrichment
  • Professionals in food and beverage careers
  • Wellness and lifestyle entrepreneurs
  • Those who are in times of transition
  • Mothers and homemakers
  • Yogis and yoga teachers
  • Herbalists

“Sarah is a shockwave that is waking us up, calling us home, and moving women forward in our evolution. It's a reclamation of the strength of our softness”


Why Tea

Moments of stillness & beauty... 

Tea is an invitation to slow down, to delight in life’s simple pleasures and to notice the beauty within and all around you. Even if only for one moment each day, I would like to invite you to simply be and to receive... because this is where the magic lies! 

Tea transforms lives, one sip at a time...

Tea is an ancient plant spirit medicine with the energetic frequency of connection. 

Whether a meditative matcha, an illuminating oolong, a transformative puerh, a lively chai, a cozy London Fog or a social sweet tea, tea connects us– to ourselves, to each other and to Nature. Beyond culture or agriculture, throughout time and across the globe, tea guides, nourishes and heals us.

For this reason, tea has been ceremonialized and shared as an enriching ritual to amplify its impact. Tea is a powerful practice, like yoga, to help you cultivate a life you love.