Iron Monk/ Tie Luo Han Wuyi Oolong


Wuyi Oolongs have a very special place in my heart and I have long considered them to be among my favorite in the world. I know many tea experts who would agree. There is something deeply nourishing and uniquely satisfying about these teas, commonly known as Yancha or “rock tea”,

I think it has to do with the fact that the rocky soil in the Wuyi Mountain region of Fujian, China is so rich in iron that these teas have a strengthening and grounding quality. They feel to me masculine, structured and rich.

All Chinese famous oolongs have origin stories that speak to their essence and those of Wuyi Oolongs have to do with royalty, nobility, enlightenment, strength and healing.

The four most notable varieties of Yancha are: Shui Jin Gui (“Golden Water Turtle”), Da Hong Pao (“Big Red Robe”), Bai Ji Guan, (“White Cockscomb”), and Tie Lou Han (“Iron Arhat” or "Iron Monk”). Though Big Red Robe is the most commonly recognized variety, Iron Monk is the oldest variety and has a very rich, warm and complex flavor developed by slow traditional roasting over bamboo charcoal.


Most oolongs, including this one, are best steeped in a small pot (a shiboridashi, houhin or gong fu teapot which allow for multiple infusions) and served in small tea cups.

Steep 2-3 teaspoons in 4-5 ounces of almost boiling water for 5-20 seconds each steep, increasing the steeping time with each infusion. Makes up to 8 infusions.

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