Palo Santo


3 sticks

Revered in South America as a powerful healing medicine, Palo Santo is said to have the power to purify, bring physical and spiritual healing, restore your physical and energetic wellbeing, relieve symptoms of common colds and flu, asthma, headaches, stress, anxiety, emotional pain and various other diseases.

To maintain the energetic potency of the tree, sustainably harvested Palo Santo trees are never cut down, and the wood and essential oils can only be extracted no earlier than 3 years after the natural death of the tree.

Sustainably wild-harvested from Peru from naturally fallen trees and branches that lie dead for 4-10 yrs. before they are harvested.

Palo Santo Ritual

Light one stick of Palo Santo.

Once lit, blow out the flame and walk with the smoking stick throughout your space.

As you walk, hold your intention on the clearing or wishes that are needed here.

Relight as needed—the resinous wood is quick to stop smoking.

When you are finished, make sure that your Palo Santo is fully extinguished and store it for the next use.

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