Rhythm/ Sun Moon Lake Red Tea


Since I discovered this tea on a 2018 visit to the stunning Sun Moon Lake region of Nantou, Taiwan, it has been my favorite casual morning steep.

Its long, elegant leaves, bright chi and uplifting yet relaxing energy make it essential to any tea collection.

Fully oxidized teas from Sun Moon Lake region are characterized by their wintergreen aroma and taste.

In processing, this particular tea was fermented to 85%, which is light for this style. The light fermentation (or oxidation) makes it astonishingly gentle and relaxing for the body, as the GABA is preserved. It is especially calming for the stomach.


Casual: Place 10 leaves in a mug or pot and cover with hot water. Steep for about 5 minutes and add more water as desired.

Ceremonial: Begin by rinsing the leaves once with hot water by pouring water over the leaves and then immediately discarding it into a waste water bowl. This prepares the leaves for steeping.


Start with 1 teaspoon and 5 ounces of almost boiling water

Pour water over the rinsed leaves and steep for 5-10 seconds.

Resteep up to 10 times and increase steeping time with each infusion after the third.


Gather a bouquet of wild flowers for your tea space.

Play a Tea Ceremony playlist found at Spotify under Tea Huntress.

Light a stick of your favorite incense by Ume.

Place 10 leaves in your tea bowl and then cover with hot water.

Sip as the leaves steep and add more hot water as desired.

Focus on the sight, smell, taste and feeling of the tea as you drop into stillness and your intuition.

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