Forest Queen/ 2007 Ripe (Shou) Puerh


Forest Queen is a 2007 Shou Puerh from the forests of Lincang, Yunnan, China, the birthplace of tea. In Yunnan, local hill tribes have revered tea as a goddess and the queen of all plants for millennia. They protect the tea trees so that the potency of their leaves will remain in tact.

When we drink Forest Queen, we integrate the wise earth energy of the tea forests into our being, thus increasing our own wisdom and peace. Forest Queen connects us with the Wise Woman archetype, the part of us that is strong, confident, grounded, decisive and wise.

PUERH is the name of a city in Yunnan (the endpoint on the legendary Tea Horse Road), but it also has become the common name for the tea grown in the region. Puerh is considered a living food like sauerkraut or miso because it is usually aged and so contains beneficial bacteria in the leaf.

Sheng, or green, Puerh is processed similarly to a green tea and then either enjoyed raw or aged over time. Every 7 years the tea reaches a new level of maturation.

Shou, or cooked, Puerh is processed like a Sheng but with the addition of beneficial bacteria to develop it’s trademark earthy, mellow and smooth character.

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